Saturday, November 22, 2014

A pause

Hey there.

I know it's been a while since you've heard from me, and I'm sorry to keep you waiting. However, I'm thoroughly unapologetic about the next statement: I need to take some time off from this space. I know, I know, I just began returning, but I'm not apologizing because I know this is something I need to do. Things have been somewhat better over here, but at the advice of a trusted confidante, and my own inner voice, I'm taking a break. Writing doesn't feel as natural at this point in time; it's labored, harried, which is something I never want it to be to me. As a matter of fact, I'm taking a break from several things in my life, and focusing solely on me. I need some quality time with myself and my feelings, and I need it badly.

I know that writing--and other parts of my life--will come back; I just need them to come back naturally, and not force them. So, let's consider this a pause, rather than a break, which sounds like a snapping arm bone, a giant chasm between two cliffs. A pause could be any amount of time at all. It could be a moment, or a year, or a lifetime. (It likely won't be a lifetime.) It indicates refreshment, self-discovery, and ultimate understanding and fulfillment.

Thanks, all--I'll see you soon.

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