Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Out of the bag

Well friends, it's official. I've arranged to transfer my credits, pushed back my return trip, and scheduled classes for the spring semester. That's right: I'm staying in Berlin for the spring term (!!!) I realized at about my second week here that this city and I were having a love affair, and I couldn't bear to think of how fast the fall would fly.

Plus, I'm hoping this will give me the chance to really nail the language. "If your goal is to learn German," my CIEE coordinator/mentor, Ben, told me early on, "you'd be better off staying at least until the spring. By the end of one semester, you'll be just starting to pick it up." I decided to heed his advice, and thanks to my loving, trusting parents, I'm here until late April.

With all these arrangements, I've been super busy and super afraid to tell anyone in case it didn't happen. (And, in this space of time that I've been telling you, I've burnt my toast under the broiler. Look what I sacrifice for you people!) But now the cat's out of the bag, and now you know this is the reason I've been so tardy in my blog posting. Well, that and I'm lazy. I hope you'll wish me well and not miss me too much. (I'm sure my parents are throwing a party as we speak.) I do miss home, but this is something I feel I'd really be missing out on if I didn't do. Hey, carpe diem, right?

Now, about that burnt toast...


  1. Burnt Toast + Butter Knife = Yummy non-burnt toast.

    Source: Experience as a man.


  2. Laura,
    I found you commenting on Not So Humble Pie, and venting about your city abroad not appreciating the pumpkin. Since I had a simular experience about 4 years ago (it's been that long?!?!), I thought I'd try and find a blog you might be writing, and lo and behold, I found it!

    It sounds like you are having a blast in Berlin, and picking up the language. I studied abroad in Spain, (you can find entries about my experience from 2007-2008 at awayin.blogspot.com). I definitely enjoyed my time in Europe and would love to go back. I'm going to add you to my blog roll, and keep up with your adventures.

    Viel Glück!

  3. Hi Laura!

    Es freut mich, dass Berlin dir so gut gefällt und finde, es ist eine super Entscheidung, länger zu bleiben.

    Ich wünsche dir frohe Weihnachten und ein tolles zweites Semester in Berlin.

    Liebe Grüße von deiner alten Deutschlehrerin :-)
