Thursday, October 13, 2011


Hey! Welcome back! What's that, you haven't visited in a month? What a coincidence, I haven't posted anything in a month! Well, let's let bygones be bygones and get on with it.

I'll be playing catch-up over the next few days. I'm on my week-long fall break, and instead of gallivanting around Europe like the rest of my comrades, I'm having a "stay-cation" of sorts in Berlin--sleeping in, watching movies, and really getting to know the city like I always say I will but never do because I'm so busy. For now, though, a few pictures to show you what's been going on in the last month. There will be corresponding posts, of course...

Real update tomorrow! Promise!

P.S. Don't forget, you can click to make them bigger! Blogger now does this in a very nice format that allows you to look at them all that way.

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